Welcome to Professor Vasilko's website!
Professor Karol Vasilko is a prominent academic figure well-known throughout Central and Eastern Europe for his academic achievements and scientific contribution in the field of mechanical engineering.
During 40 years of his professional career Professor Vasilko published over 300 research papers, 48 patents, 12 books and numerous student textbooks. He founded a new university Faculty, has acted as an expert advisor to many national and international companies, while taught and mentored countless number of students from undergraduate to doctoral level. Professor Vasilko remains very active and continues working at the Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies in Prešov, Technical University of Kosice in Slovakia.
This website aims to provide information about Professor Vasilko's professional career, publications and other academic activities in Slovakia and Central Europe.
Download Professor Vasilko's books (in Slovak language):
História a vývoj techniky (2014) (PDF súbor, 42MB)
Teória a prax trieskového obrábania (2009) (PDF súbor, 36MB)
Authorised strictly for personal study use only. All rights reserved.
1942 |
Born in Eastern Slovakia, the youngest of 7 siblings. |
1959-1964 |
Studied a 5-year university course in mechanical engineering, specialisation: 'machining, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Kosice. Graduated with an 'Ing.' degree (MSc. equiv.) |
1964-1967 |
Junior engineer at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia. |
1968-1971 |
Research assistant at the Research Institue of Rolling Bearings (VURAL), Zilina, Slovakia. |
1967-1972 |
Awarded title 'CSc.'(Candidate of Science, PhD equiv.) after completing a research programme on 'Thermal aspects of Metal Cutting Processes'. |
1972-1975 |
Senior scientist at the Research Institute of Metal Industries (VUKOV), Presov, Slovakia. |
1976-1979 |
Technical Director at the Bearings Manufacturing Factories (ZVL) company, Presov, Slovakia. |
1979 |
Promoted to a 'Docent' position (Associate Professor equiv.) in recognition for his work on 'Analysis of Grinding Process'. |
1980-1990 |
Senior Lecturer and later Head of Department at Faculty of Engineering, University of Transport and Communications, Zilina, Slovakia. |
1984 |
Awarded full 'Professor' title in recognition of his work on 'Metal Cutting Process'. |
1985 |
Awarded the highest scientific title of 'Dr.Sc.' (Doctor of Science) in recognition of his work on 'Machining Tool Durability'. |
1991 to present |
After founding Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies of Technical University in Kosice located in Presov, Slovakia, he became its first Dean. He continues working there to this day. |
2011 |
Awarded a honorary doctorate (Dr.h.c. - Doctor Honoris Causa) by Zilina University in Zilina, Slovakia. |